At the start of every orthodontic journey, patients are assessed thoroughly. Various digital images, x-rays, and diagnostic tools determine what’s happening with dentition and how much teeth need to move. Your orthodontist is as accurate as possible when predicting how long treatment will take from start to finish, but there are cases where braces take longer than expected and a few more weeks or months may be necessary. Find out why.
Lack of Compliance
Half the braces equation belongs to the orthodontist – the other half belongs to the patient. If you don’t follow instructions, like wearing Invisalign long enough every day or changing trays as indicated, this lack of compliance will set you back when it comes to making progress. Each set of aligners is designed to move certain teeth at a certain time for a particular length of time – that should not be interrupted.
If you wear metal braces and are prescribed elastics – the rubber bands that connect top and bottom jaws – but opt not to wear them as instructed, your teeth won’t move the way they’re supposed to and this non-compliance will extend treatment too.
Missing Appointments
Skipping out on regular checkups almost always pushes braces treatment back. Your orthodontist can’t examine your teeth and their progress, wires cannot be replaced or shifted, rubber bands are not changed – in short, nothing happens when it should be happening, which inevitably makes braces take longer than expected.
Braces are an investment in a strong, beautiful, straight smile. Unfortunately, some patients neglect their brackets and wires and are careless about what they eat and how they behave. If you break brackets regularly because you’re chewing gum or eating foods that aren’t braces-friendly, you’ll find yourself having setbacks. A broken bracket is a big deal – repeated broken brackets require you to start over from a previous step.
Uncooperative Teeth
Full braces are typically not put in place until all baby teeth have been lost, but that doesn’t mean absent teeth don’t cause problems. Newly erupting teeth may take their sweet time to move into place in your alignment. When this happens, the work that’s been done to straighten teeth in a particular area may be interrupted and extra time will be required to get erupting teeth where they belong.
When you’re following all the rules of your orthodontist but your teeth are moving slowly, the end of treatment could also be delayed. You can’t control this – it’s simply your mouth – so all you can do is continue to work hard at cleaning your teeth, see your orthodontist on time, and stay on track.
Do What Your Orthodontist Says
Braces and Invisalign are not complicated for the patient. You wear them as instructed, you don’t eat certain foods, you take care of your teeth, and you see your orthodontist when scheduled. Those are the rules – the braces and your provider do the rest.
Orthodontics deliver successfully straight and healthy smiles – including yours. The timeline might just change a little from expected. Learn more from Soleil Orthodontics in Woodinville, WA.