4 Ways Braces Will Surprise You

No one knows what it’s truly like to have orthodontics until you get them on your own teeth, which makes it easy to assume the worst. What often happens is that braces will surprise you. You might like them better than you thought you would, you may even think they look cool. Instead of resigning yourself to a mouth full of metal, be open to the reality that a stellar smile is on its way.

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Keep Gums Healthy During Braces Treatment

Metal braces get all the attention when it comes to orthodontics. How do they feel? What do they make you look like? Many patients are surprised to experience, though, how much braces affect not just their teeth but also their gums. Your orthodontist or dentist may inform you that your gums are swollen, red, or inflamed. What does this mean? Time to brush up on how to keep gums healthy during braces treatment.

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Give the Gift That Keeps on Giving: Invisalign Teen

It’s a rumor that teens don’t love braces. They may be annoyed about frequent check-ups at the orthodontist and occasional discomfort when wearing new, snug trays, but they love the smile results that come from wearing clear aligners. Help your teen feel good about themselves by giving them the gift of a straight smile with customized Invisalign Teen.

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Yes, You Must Clean Your Retainer

Orthodontic patients have spent months and sometimes years in braces or Invisalign so they don’t always look forward to wearing a retainer every night, let alone take care of it. However, as every orthodontist will testify, retainers are the essential final piece of orthodontic treatment, and if you want this appliance to work correctly you must clean your retainer regularly to keep your teeth and alignment in great shape.

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Believe It: Braces Are Cool at Any Age

Many kids and adults stress about the idea of sporting braces, being held captive by hardware, or feeling uncomfortable and self-conscious. These things can be true, but nearly four million people are wearing braces right now. If you flip pessimism into optimism, there are plenty of reasons that braces are cool at any age, no matter some minor drawbacks.

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5 Halloween Sweets That Are Bad for Braces

It is nearly impossible to avoid Halloween sweets at the end of October. The treats are everywhere, and they are delicious. Anyone who is seeing an orthodontist and wears braces but tends to overindulged at this time of year is at risk of destroying their teeth-straightening progress, damaging orthodontic materials, and ending up with cavities and other oral health problems.

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Tips to Make It Through Your First Halloween with Braces Intact

Halloween should be all about fun for everyone, even when you have braces. Anyone sporting orthodontics needs to take a few extra precautions because it is possible to be drawn in by the spooky tricks of certain festive candies and treats. Whether you wear brackets or Invisalign, your enjoyment of Halloween with braces doesn’t need to be interrupted because of brackets, wires, or aligners.

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Can You Get Invisalign If You Grind Your Teeth?

Many people grind their teeth. They have a problem with their temporomandibular joint (TMJ), or unconsciously grind and clench while sleeping, or are under extreme stress and teeth suffer as a result. It makes sense to wonder if Invisalign can even work for you if you already rely on a heavy-duty nightguard to bear the pressure your teeth put on each other. While the answer won’t be the same for every patient, Invisalign could be a possibility.

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