Loose Teeth with Braces or Invisalign? Don’t Panic!

Orthodontic treatment is complex and customized to every patient’s mouth. One thing people with braces or Invisalign have in common though? Loose teeth. This unexpected sensation can make you feel worried about the condition and health of your teeth and gums – but don’t panic! Your teeth are not going to fall out. Loose teeth mean your orthodontics are working.

How Your Teeth Feel

Chances are, you never considered the stability of your teeth all that much before getting braces or Invisalign. Now that those brackets or trays are in place, you’re incredibly aware of how your mouth feels, sometimes from moment to moment. You’re not alone if you’re worried about your teeth being loose – it’s completely normal. Teeth are simply moving to their ideal locations. This is sometimes referred to as bone remodeling.

Through continuous force, braces or Invisalign compress and stretch the ligaments in your mouth, allowing teeth to shift and solidify in their new locations. This process takes time, which is why some people wear Invisalign for a year or braces for two years or more – it’s also why teeth can feel loose for so long. Once the shifting has stopped, the ligaments firm up again and are secured in place with a retainer. The loose feeling disappears.

Combat the Weirdness

When it feels like you might be able to wiggle a tooth and have it fall out again just like baby teeth, it’s important to trust that your teeth are not going to fall out, they’re just on the move and that’s a good thing. They’re probably tender too, especially after a braces adjustment or changing to new Invisalign trays. Here are some things you can do to combat the awkward feeling:

  • Eat soft foods. A soft-food diet will help tremendously with any orthodontic treatment. Get used to soups, soft fruits, cheese, pasta, ice cream, yogurt, and cooked veggies. It will be easier to bite into soft foods and your teeth won’t feel so weird when you chew.
  • Wear your retainer. This rule is essential for after braces or Invisalign treatment. If you never want to feel like your teeth are loose again and you want to give your newly shifted teeth an opportunity to stabilize, you must wear your retainer as instructed – usually every night at a minimum. Permanently.

Should You Choose Braces or Invisalign?

Loose teeth are likely whether you get braces or Invisalign for your orthodontic treatment. Some people have a choice between the two forms of orthodontics, some patients do not. What’s most important is opting for the treatment your orthodontist recommends, which will vary depending on the position of your teeth, bite issues, and any other functional problems that need to be treated.

Contact the orthodontic team at Soleil Orthodontics in Woodinville, WA, to get the scoop on loose teeth and other weirdness that might occur during treatment. Schedule an appointment for a consultation or support. We will help you cope with your entire orthodontic journey.

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