Travel and Vacation Tips for Braces Wearers

soleil orthodontics travel with bracesSummer has arrived, which means vacation, here we come! But just because you’re taking a vacay from work or school, that doesn’t mean you can take a break from your orthodontic treatment. It’s important to maintain consistent care of your braces, Invisalign, or appliances while you’re away from home. Follow these important travel tips to keep your alignment on track without missing out on any of the fun.

Traveling with Braces

Braces are with you no matter where you go, so make sure you’re prepared to take care of them:

  • Create a dental travel kit. When you are traveling with braces, you must be conscious of your dental care routine. Chances are, you’ll be out and about for most of your meals, so keep a fully stocked oral hygiene kit with you so you can brush and floss after every meal. Include a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, dental picks, and wax in case of a pokey wire.
  • Remember your food restrictions. You will be tempted to give in to certain foods while on vacation, but if it’s something that could damage your brackets or wires, just say no. The last thing you want is to be caught out of town with broken braces.

Traveling with Invisalign

Wherever your summer vacation takes you when you’re an Invisalign wearer, remember the following:

  • Have extra trays. Take along your next set of trays just in case you lose or damage the ones you’re wearing. And make sure all Invisalign supplies are in your carry-on bag so they’re not lost.
  • Remember your case. Your routine will be out of whack on vacation and the last thing you want to do is misplace or accidentally toss your aligners after a meal. Your case will keep the trays safe no matter what.
  • Wear your trays. Invisalign is designed to move a few teeth at a time, but that doesn’t mean you can skip a week or two for vacation. It’s important to stay consistent with your treatment and wear your trays 20 to 22 hours a day as always, even if you’re taking a break from your daily life. Don’t be tempted to push pause on Invisalign too.

Traveling with a Dental Appliance

If you wear a retainer or other removable appliance, it’s essential that you always keep your case with you. The case keeps your appliance safe when you remove it for meals or any other reason. This is a must-have accessory, so keep at least one case in your pocket or bag no matter where you go.

If you lose your appliance because you put it in a napkin or alongside your plate and then forget about, all the progress you have made thus far in your orthodontic treatment would be derailed. This goes for people who are wearing a retainer after completing their braces treatment or for patients who are wearing interceptive orthodontics to get them ready for the real deal.

See Your Orthodontist Before You Travel

If you have any concerns about traveling with your braces, contact your orthodontist at Soleil Orthodontics to discuss your plans. Dr. Soleil will be happy to advise you about the best practices for braces or Invisalign while traveling.

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