New Braces? Get Your Child Ready for Back to School

new braces back to school soleil orthodontics

Plenty of kids get anxious about going back to school every fall. If they have braces or a palatal expander or any sort of orthodontics, things can feel even more tricky. Here are just some of the methods you can employ to help your child adjust to their developing smile as they move around their peers, teachers, classes, and activities.

Give Them Confidence

Your kid feels weird with braces. Even if they’re wearing Invisalign Teen which is nearly impossible to see, they will have a little bit of self-consciousness. Can it be overcome? Absolutely. Remind your child regularly that:

  • They are in good company because many of their peers have braces too.
  • They can still play an instrument, play sports, or participate in other activities.
  • Their teeth are getting straighter every day.
  • Their smile looks cool with colorful rubber bands.
  • Their orthodontist is just one phone call away.

The hardest part of a new school year is day one, when everything is new. That goes for braces or Invisalign too. Eventually, it all just becomes the norm.

Help Out with Lunch

Students who like to buy lunch at school may be just fine with continuing to do that once their braces are in place or they’re learning how to maneuver around a palatal expander. However, some new orthodontic wearers may balk at the thought of trying to navigate certain foods with brackets and wires outside of the comfort of their home. Create a manageable lunch routine for you and your child so a packed lunch can get made without much fuss every morning:

  • Keep cooked pasta at the ready in the fridge.
  • Rely on soft fruits like bananas, pears, and grapes.
  • Stock up on yogurt and applesauce.
  • Try out different cheese sticks and cubes.

Eventually, the tenderness will wear off and your braces-wearer will feel better about digging into more challenging foods – or find ways to work around them. What’s most important is that they eat, so do whatever you can to create a balanced meal for them in the middle of a school day.

Prepare Them for Everything

One of the best and most important things you can do for your child as they return to school with new braces is help them create an orthodontic kit – more than one if they have multiple bags or a locker. Every kit should include:

  • Orthodontic wax for any wire or bracket discomfort.
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • Dental picks or orthodontic floss.
  • A mini mirror so they can see what’s happening with their braces.
  • A case for Invisalign aligners.

New Braces Aren’t New Forever

Dr. Soleil at Soleil Orthodontics in Woodinville, WA, understands a child’s back-to-school journey when they’re wearing new braces. Whatever questions you have, whatever concerns there are, reach out for advice and support. And remember – new braces aren’t new forever, and neither is the new school year. Eventually, your child will get used to their fresh reality with orthodontics and it will just be normal. If you think your child is ready for braces or you’re interested yourself, schedule a consultation to find out next steps.

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