Braces have always been considered a rite of passage for many teenagers, but this accessory often impacts self-confidence, something that’s already a challenge for most teens. With the popularity of Invisalign, it’s no surprise that many adolescents who need orthodontics hope to qualify for Invisalign Teen, avoid metal brackets and wires, and slide under the radar with their orthodontic treatment. But is Invisalign right for your teenager?
Don’t Press Your Luck! 6 Bad Braces Habits to Break
When you wear braces – whether metal braces or Invisalign – there are certain rules you must follow. For some people, these rules involve breaking bad habits that could damage your braces and teeth or interfere with your treatment.
Will Braces or Invisalign Change Your Face Shape?
You can feel very unlike yourself when you have brackets and wires on your teeth or you’re wearing Invisalign trays. The goal of orthodontics is to functionally improve your bite and oral health, but the purpose of this treatment is also cosmetic and designed to improve the appearance of your smile. Just how much will braces affect the shape of your face?
14 Reasons Patients Fall in Love with Invisalign
Invisalign patients are well aware of the benefits of this discreet and efficient method for aligning teeth. However, if you’re on the fence about the best way to improve your smile and wonder whether Invisalign is right for you, in honor of Valentine’s Day, here are just 14 things that will make you fall in love with this innovative alignment method.
Getting Married? Say “I Do” to Invisalign First
There are plenty of things on your to-do list when you’re getting married, many of which are about self-improvement. But along with diets and workout regimens, don’t forget about the one feature that will be front and center on your wedding day – your smile! If your teeth aren’t perfect, Invisalign for adults can get them there before you say your vows.
You’re Never Too Old for Braces
Braces and adolescence go hand in hand. However, a person’s options for orthodontic treatment don’t end once adulthood is reached. In fact, you are never too old to get braces. The only thing that can prevent you from aligning your smile with braces for adults, really, is you.
New Year’s Resolutions for People with Braces and Invisalign
If you wear braces or Invisalign, you have a few more options available to you when it comes to making resolutions in the New Year. Remember that your oral health is connected to your overall health and wellness, so give your smile and attention it needs to shine bright this year, get you through your orthodontic treatment, and help you reach your goals.
6 Reasons to Choose an Orthodontist for Your Invisalign Treatment
Invisalign is available from orthodontists, cosmetic dentists, and general dentists. These professionals must all be certified in the treatment to provide it. However, there are good reasons it’s recommended that you see an orthodontist for your Invisalign treatment – and we’re not just saying this because we’re orthodontists!
7 Halloween Costume Ideas If You Wear Braces
It’s easy to think that special occasions can be ruined by braces, but your Halloween costume can be elevated to the next level if you make your orthodontics a featured part of your get-up. Consider these characters and celebs from TV and movies who make braces look cool for a super-fun, unforgettable ensemble on October 31.