Everyone has heard stories about the palatal expander, if not from the patient themselves then their parents. While expanders can be uncomfortable, their time in a person’s mouth is short-lived, and the work that’s done helps make room for adult teeth. It helps to know what you’re getting into before your child receives this device so you can prepare for what interceptive orthodontics will really be like.
Protect Your Braces: Don’t Be Tempted by Halloween Treats
At this time of year, all braces-wearers are in danger of falling for Halloween tricks. You just want that one sweet you haven’t had for weeks or months. You just want to have fun. Enjoying October 31 is possible, but it doesn’t have to be at the expense of your orthodontia. Here is how to get through this tasty holiday without derailing your braces treatments.
6 Spooky Myths About Orthodontics
Braces have a bad rap, but they’re not all bad. In fact, they’re very, very good, and most patients realize this fact quickly once they’re wearing their customized braces. Nevertheless, the spooky myths about orthodontics persist, and it’s important to clear them up, especially for the people who are thinking about getting braces or Invisalign.
Why an Orthodontic Consultation Is So Important
Your child’s dentist recommends that it’s time to see an orthodontist. They’re 7. This may sound silly. You may be thinking, “But they’re only just starting to brush their teeth without my help!” Or you may think, “A second-grader with braces?” It happens, and for good reason. That first orthodontic consultation will tell you plenty of things you don’t know – and set your child up for a lifetime of beautiful teeth.
3 Benefits of Early Orthodontic Treatment
Your dentist recommends that your 8-year-old see an orthodontist. You might be surprised by this suggestion, but your dentist only says this when they see something in your child’s alignment or bite that could benefit from early orthodontic treatment. You can probably see it yourself, especially if your child has a pronounced overbite or underbite or extreme crowding. The benefits of braces for kids are many and could ultimately save time, energy, and costs.
The Best Ways to Correct an Overbite
An overbite is when the top front teeth overlap the bottom front teeth, but this isn’t an irreversible condition. It’s easily treatable with help from an experienced orthodontist. Though it’s best to get this alignment corrected in childhood, adults with overbites are candidates for orthodontics too.
5 Reasons Invisalign Is Great for Teachers
Teachers all have one feature in common – a big smile. Whether every teacher is happy with her or his smile varies but, either way, it’s your job to open your mouth, raise your voice, and motivative your students – and it’s easier to do this when you feel good about yourself and the appearance of your teeth. Invisalign can help you get there, in and out of the classroom.
What Color Braces Are Right for You?
When you work with an orthodontist to determine what braces are best for the alignment of your teeth, you’ll discover that you might have several options, including room to decide what kind of aesthetics you prefer. Here are some factors to consider as you envision what you want your teeth and smile to look like during a year or two of orthodontic treatment.
Don’t Wait! Get Your Teen Athlete’s Mouthguard for Braces Now
It’s the middle of summer but fall sports will be here before you know it. If you have young athletes in your house and those teens wear braces or Invisalign, it’s time to get them fitted for a customized sports mouthguard. This appliance will protect their orthodontics, teeth, and the soft tissues of their mouth so they can play hard without worrying about their braces.
Differences Between Invisalign and Invisalign Teen
Invisalign, in general, is the same for every patient, no matter their age or alignment problem. But Invisalign Teen does have a few noticeable differences that separate it from the original, besides the fact that it’s designed specifically for the adolescent crowd.